Mike Erwin is an enthusiastic, grateful, and optimistic leader
Born and raised in Syracuse, NY, he has dedicated his life to serving the nation—and empowering people to build positive relationships and become more resilient.
Character Leadership & Center
Leadership is a critical ingredient to organizational success—be that in a corporation, government agency, non-profit, military unit or sports team. Leadership is often what separates the great from the good, and the best from the great. But the reality is, leadership is very complex. Acknowledging the depth and complexity of leadership, effective leadership doesn’t just happen on its own. It requires time, resources and prioritization—and organizations that do it well stand apart from the rest.
Positivity Project
The Positivity Project is based on 24 character strengths and the mindset that “other people matter.” The program is a daily, 15-minute curriculum for students in kindergarten through 12th grade designed to help them build positive relationships. The idea is simple and profound: When kids understand what character is—what words like integrity, humility, fairness, perspective, and gratitude really mean and look like in action—they begin to see those traits in themselves.
Team Red, White & Blue
The mission of Team RWB enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. We define enrichment as creating quality relationships and experiences that contribute to life satisfaction and overall well-being. The concept of enrichment consists of three core components—health, people, and purpose—that comprise a rich life.
Father Vincent Capodanno High School
Father Vincent Capodanno High School was founded with one purpose—to build a space for all students to grow in faith, service, character, and leadership every day. Through a unique teaching approach and a truly passionate staff, we help students develop academically and spiritually to the highest level, armed with the skills necessary for a fulfilling life. At Father Capodanno High School we are preparing students for life by graduating learners that know how to think, how to communicate, how to serve, and how to lead.
“Relationships are essential to our well-being and happiness. Strive to create a life where the people who push you the hardest are the same people who care about you the most.”
— Mike Erwin
Lead Yourself First Now Available
"Lead Yourself First makes a compelling argument for the integral relationship between solitude and leadership."